Posted on 6/1/2019

Orinda Motors has proudly served the Lamorinda area since the 1920s, and we know a thing or two about how to keep your car cool during the Summer months. That is why were inspired to share the top five ways you can stay cool this Summer. Schedule an appointment for your vehicle’s air conditioning service. Let’s first start with the obvious. If you want to stay cool while driving your car, you should bring your vehicle in for air conditioning system service at Orinda Motors. As a Bay Area Green Business, we take the extra cautionary steps to protect the environment when we perform air conditioning service for motor vehicles. In fact, California is known for its strict emissions requirements, so we follow the EPA regulations regarding refrigerant, service certifications, and recycling. Because we love our planet and want to do our best to protect it, we encourage our clients to maintain their vehicle’s air ... read more