Posted on 6/1/2020

In the wake of COVID-19, cleaning our vehicles is incredibly important. It is easy to remember to sanitize our homes and even hands, but it is quite easy to forget about our cars. We have the potential to track germs and debris into our vehicle, and we need to make sure we take the proper steps to keep our cars clean and sanitized. Don't worry, the team at Orinda Motors is here to help. We are here to discuss the do's and don'ts of proper automotive interior cleaning and disinfecting. Before we begin, it is critical to recognize that our car, truck, or SUV has several points that we frequently come into contact with. Regardless of the material these high-contact areas are in, the coronavirus can potentially live on these surfaces for days. We will focus our attention on the regions we come into contact with most frequently, also known as "touchpoints." Begin by vacuuming. We recommend starting by breaking out the vacuum and getting rid of all the pes ... read more