Posted on 1/1/2020

Happy New Year’s from the team at Orinda Motors! We wish you and your vehicle a safe, happy, and healthy New Year’s! To make sure 2020 and the next decade is as safe as can be, we think an appropriate New Year’s resolution would be to eliminate driver distractions. We are here to help make sure this resolution comes to fruition. Your vehicle and other drivers on the road will thank you! Here are some easy ways you can eliminate driver distractions: Out of sight, out of mind! Put your phone away, and use it only for emergencies. No, an emergency does not include changing the song or texting your friend back. If you need to use your phone for an emergency, pull over. If you are feeling drowsy, don’t hesitate to pull over and take a break. If you drive drowsy, you are four times more likely to get into a crash. Thirty-seven percent of all crashes are caused by drowsy driving. Try to limit the number of passengers in your vehicle, if poss ... read more